What is the Richest Neighborhood in Baltimore County?

Discover why Locust Point is the richest neighborhood in Baltimore County according to the most recent census data.

What is the Richest Neighborhood in Baltimore County?

Baltimore County is home to a variety of neighborhoods, each with its own unique characteristics. But which one stands out as the wealthiest? According to the most recent census data, Locust Point is the richest neighborhood in Baltimore. Locust Point has an average income of 10, making it the highest median income of any neighborhood in Baltimore. This affluent area is located close to other affluent neighborhoods such as Tuscany-Canterbury and Blythewood in North Baltimore.

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Locust Point

is one of the best neighborhoods in the city, and it's easy to see why – it's the richest neighborhood in Baltimore.

Saundra Maheras
Saundra Maheras

General webaholic. Infuriatingly humble pop culture maven. Friendly tv specialist. General introvert. Tv expert.

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