Average Commute Time for Baltimore County Residents

The American Community Survey reveals that the average commute time for Baltimore County residents is around 30 minutes, slightly higher than the national average of 26 minutes. The majority of commuters in Baltimore County use their own vehicles for their daily co

Average Commute Time for Baltimore County Residents

Residents of Baltimore city are leaving the city to go to work, with 58,951 heading to Baltimore County, 15,515 to Anne Arundel County and 10,213 to Howard County. According to the American Community Survey, 117,027 workers commute from Baltimore County, 21,719 from Anne Arundel County and 17,966 from Harford County. Brian McKenzie, a Census Bureau statistician who specializes in trips to work, has studied the transportation patterns of Baltimore city and compared them with those of other counties and large cities. The survey data reveals that the average commute time for Baltimore County residents is around 30 minutes.

This is slightly higher than the national average of 26 minutes. The survey also found that the majority of commuters in Baltimore County use their own vehicles for their daily commute. Around 75% of commuters drive alone or carpool with others. Public transportation is used by only 8% of commuters in the county. The survey also revealed that the average commute time for residents of Anne Arundel County is slightly lower than that of Baltimore County.

The average commute time for Anne Arundel County residents is around 28 minutes. The majority of commuters in Anne Arundel County also use their own vehicles for their daily commute. Around 73% of commuters drive alone or carpool with others while 11% use public transportation. The survey data also showed that the average commute time for Howard County residents is slightly lower than that of Baltimore and Anne Arundel counties. The average commute time for Howard County residents is around 27 minutes.

The majority of commuters in Howard County also use their own vehicles for their daily commute. Around 77% of commuters drive alone or carpool with others while 8% use public transportation. Overall, the survey data shows that the average commute time for residents of Baltimore County neighborhoods is around 30 minutes. The majority of commuters in Baltimore County use their own vehicles for their daily commute while public transportation is used by only 8% of commuters in the county.

Saundra Maheras
Saundra Maheras

General webaholic. Infuriatingly humble pop culture maven. Friendly tv specialist. General introvert. Tv expert.

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